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Climbing Fuya Fuya (4265m-14000ft) a crumbling cobbled road leads high into the páramo to three turquoise lakes set like gemstones into the hills. Located 17km south of Otavalo, the area acquired protected status in 2002 and has since become a popular spot for Sunday family outings. At an altitude of 3700m on the shores of the main lake the climb start (2h) through the páramo grasslands to the summit of Fuya Fuya Mountain (4265m). At the top, you can enjoy a snack and the astonishing views of the Mojanda lakes and surrounding peaks like Imbabura and Cayambe. Finally you go down and back to Otavalo or  Peguche for the lunch.

Difficulty: moderate

Total duration: ~6h

Climbing Fuya Fuya (4265m-14000ft)